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Comprehending the concept of Anadi (without beginning) in the context of cyclical and infinite aspects of existence requires shifting from a linear to a cyclical understanding of time and existence, which is prominent in Vedic philosophy and other ancient traditions.

Here are key points to understand Anadi in this context:

1. Cyclical Nature of Time

In Vedic cosmology, time is perceived as cyclical rather than linear. The universe goes through endless cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction (Srishti, Sthiti, and Laya). This eternal recurrence is expressed through concepts like:

Yugas: The four ages (Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga) form a repeating cycle.

Kalpas: A day of Brahma is equivalent to billions of human years, followed by a night of equal length, representing creation and dissolution.

The universe is seen as going through these cycles without a starting point or endpoint, reinforcing the idea of Anadi. There is no first creation or final end; it eternally renews itself.

2. Infinite and Eternal Nature of the Soul

The soul (Atman) is considered Anadi—it has no beginning and no end. This is discussed in the Bhagavad Gita (2:20), where it is stated that the soul is never born, never dies, and remains eternal. It transcends the cycles of life and death (Samsara) and continues to exist beyond any particular manifestation of physical existence.

Understanding the soul as Anadi means recognizing that it exists outside the boundaries of time. This eternal existence is not constrained by the birth-death cycle of the physical body.

3. Interconnectedness of Cyclical Time and Anadi

The concept of Anadi in a cyclical worldview implies that everything is interconnected. Nothing exists in isolation or as an independent event. Everything influences everything else, and the universe is in a constant state of flux within an eternal frame. In this sense:

No absolute beginning or end: Since everything is in a perpetual cycle, it becomes impossible to pinpoint a "first" moment. Creation has always been happening in some form, and will always continue.

Karma and Samsara: The doctrine of karma ties into this cyclical and infinite worldview. Actions and consequences repeat over many lifetimes, further reinforcing the idea of eternal cycles.

4. Non-Linear Thought

Western, linear thinking often focuses on causes and beginnings, while the Vedic view requires embracing non-linearity:

Time is not like a straight line from past to future but more like a circle or spiral where events are recurrent.

There is no “absolute start”; instead, we think in terms of phases or cycles within cycles.

5. Brahman as Anadi

Brahman, the ultimate reality in Vedic and Upanishadic thought, is also described as Anadi. It is unchanging, formless, infinite, and beyond the concept of time and space. Brahman exists before creation, during it, and after its dissolution. Comprehending Anadi Brahman means realizing that it is the underlying essence of everything, eternal and beyond the cycles of creation.

How to Contemplate or Comprehend Anadi:

Meditative Inquiry: Understanding the eternal, timeless nature of existence is more of an experiential process rather than purely intellectual. Meditative practices help in contemplating the eternal presence of the self and the universe.

Analogies: The ocean and waves are often used to describe Anadi. Waves come and go, but the ocean (like Brahman or Atman) remains unchanged. Similarly, the physical world and lives are like waves, while the soul and the universe are eternal.

Acceptance of Paradox: The human mind, conditioned to think linearly, may find it difficult to comprehend something without a beginning or an end. Accepting the paradox that something can be eternal, infinite, and cyclical is part of the spiritual process.

By stepping outside the usual confines of time and space, we can begin to understand Anadi as a deeper, more fundamental principle of existence. It is an intuitive recognition of something that has no origin but is ever-present.

The discovery of a black hole on April 10th, 2018 opened a new chapter in Astrophysics. This historical event was made possible by a gigantic and intricate network of “event horizon telescopes” existing in the galaxy M87. These were able to create the first picture of a black hole. This black hole is vastly far from the earth, precisely 53 million light years away.

In fact, capturing its mammoth size was made possible by using telescopes which were of the size of planet earth. It took scientists two years to assemble it for the required mission. The results obtained by them have paved way for understanding more about these mysterious objects.

A remarkable feature of this black hole is its mass which is 6.5 billion times compared to the Sun and is one of the heaviest black holes ever known to mankind. The fact that a huge international team of 200 scientists burnt the midnight oil to point the networked telescopes intentionally towards M87 for over a continuous stretch of 10 days is mindboggling.  Spitzer Space Telescope, belonging to NASA did measure infra-red light which was radiating from this particular galaxy.

Black Holes are absolutely gigantic and massive. Another interesting aspect to its feature is that anything literally that travels past it is surely going to ultimately fall into the black hole. The fact can be stated with certainty, as per the observations incurred by scientists. This manifests the conclusion that there is complete darkness inside the black hole which means that in reality, the black hole will appear as a black hole’s ‘shadow’ or a black blob in spite of using advanced photography techniques.

There are a volley of questions though, lurking in the minds of scientists even today. They are curious to look out for knowing what causes the bright ring to appear around the hole and also what happens exactly when anything falls into a black hole. Extensive research will provide more and more answers to intriguing questions like these.

Einstein’s theory of relativity had predicted the concept of black holes back then, which showed a small and dense cone is formed whenever a star dies. Well, his prediction has indeed come true with this recent event in astrophysics. It has also been found that more clarity of images can be achieved by using light having slightly higher frequency.

What does the future hold?

The future of this discovery has paved way for a bright future, as scientists plan to add more observatories to work with by the year 2020. They have a plan to add more number of telescopes which can ultimately help them capture more clearly everything  that emits from the black hole. 

The next target for scientists at NASA is knowing more about the black hole situated at the centre of the Milky Way. This part is called as Sagittarius A. It‘s size is approximately 1000 times smaller than the one which they have photographed lately – M87 and is much closer.
Since it is smaller in size, hence its technical features also varies as the material moving around the event horizon completes one whole circuit in just a few minutes. This is more compared to M87 which takes few days to go about it. There are exciting times yet to come in the future as they release varied images of M87 and continue with the herculean task of discovering more black holes.

The latest update in black hole research was recently announced when scientists discovered a black hole behaving rather strangely at a distance of only 8000 light years away. The black hole in V404 Cygni which was discovered in the year 1989 was found lately to behave in a bizarre and unusual manner. The most astonishing feature which the scientists observed is that the disk of its material and the black hole itself are not aligned with each other. In fact, the disk of this black hole looks like it is quivering just like a spinning top, while drastically changing its orientation.

Google is touted as one of the best companies to work for in the United States. With attractive salary packages, free quality food and other swanky perks, why would anyone in the world even think of leaving Google? We bring to you three specific examples of successful people who have been former Googlers. Read on to find more about them and the reasons which made them leave the company.  

Laszlo Bock

He worked with Google as Senior Vice President of People Operations for more than ten years with an amazing and a successful tenure behind him. It was during his tenure that Google won the title of ‘Best Company to Work for’ 30 times in a row.  The first question which hits everyone’s mind is that ‘why did he quit Google’? The answer is simple, yet interesting. Lazlo wanted to transcend himself beyond working for Google. He wanted to switch his role as an entrepreneur.

He left Google to start a startup called Humu which is a Human Resource related technology platform. The objective of this company is to use behavioral change technology and aims at building a fulfilling understanding of each and every team in any company.

With a raised capital of $40 million, Humu has lofty plans for further expansion. The behavioral change technology they offer helps produce more productive and happy people.

Falon Fatemi

Falon started working as a strategic partnerships developer at Google. She joined the organization when she was only 19 years old and began developing useful strategies for getting Google products into Africa and Eastern Europe. Within some years, she began to realize that her growth in the company had plateaued.

Falon faced stunted growth in her job, which she thought no longer gave her room for learning. Performing repetitive tasks every day made her comprehend that she had already hit her peak.

After giving six years to Google as an employee, she formed and established her own company called Node. The company has a powerful Artificial Intuition search tool that helps companies to find sales leads for transforming their business.

Ram Rengaswamy

Ram Rengaswamy worked as a tech lead and software engineer at Google for seven long years. He had an opportunity to work on the Gmail project during this time. His stint with the company ended when he decided to become an entrepreneur and ended up to be the co-founder of an ad tech company called Beeswax with two other ex-Googlers. The other two in this trio are Ari Paparo and Shamim Samadi who are also former employees of the internet giant.

After putting in some valuable years at Google, he realized his true calling. According to Ram, despite having challenges at work he wasn’t really learning enough, the way he would have liked it to. He had a deep seated aspiration to build projects from the ground up. The other factors which helped him take this big decision was his innate desire to have an infinite impact and also his effort to increase his room to work.

Their company, Beeswax, which is the brainchild of the trio produces software which helps companies bid for online ads. This company has ushered in a new alternative for marketers for bidding on online real time ads. Last year, their estimated revenue was $25 million and they are continuing to grow exponentially.


To conclude, a lot can be learnt by following the above examples of these ex-Googlers. After all, stepping out of the warmth of a secure job is never easy. Working at Google might seem to be still a dream job for job seekers in the tech and business industry.
However, for the ones who like new challenges, the reason of going for another remarkable journey seems to be a stepping stone for them. These professionals are the ones who want to take the next step of choosing a new career, seizing a new opportunity to be their own boss or even learning new skills to end their stunted growth.  

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Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, WA

Deer near Hurricane Ridge.

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